Data-Sharing Principles for 
Medical Education Research
Greetings from the MedEd Data Champions!

Here are some highlights of the work we have been doing since our last newsletter in August:
  • Performed various consultations with internal and external stakeholders
  • Presented at the AMEE 2022 Ottawa Conference 
  • Presented at the McMaster MERIT Rounds: "Building capacity for big data in medical education research: Consensus on risks, benefits, values, and best practices"
  • Shared a number publications on our Twitter feed related to data-sharing principles for the purpose of medical eduation research
Please reach out if you have any questions or would like us to present at your
next event!
Dr. Lawrence Grierson, McMaster University
Dr. Mahan Kulasegaram, University of Toronto
Read the Pan-Canadian Consensus Statement on
Data-Sharing in Medical Education Research
Why is our Pan-Canadian Consensus Statement vital for the future of medical education research?
Studies that use longitudinal medical education data are not currently the norm and are fraught with risks. The capacities and models necessary for sensitive and responsive governance need to be developed in the context of medical education and its stakeholders.
This Consensus Statement is to serve as a framework for addressing the difficult challenges of governance, ethics, accountability, and technical issues as we move into a state where ‘big data’ research becomes the norm, not the exception. 
Free Consultations
Did you know we provide free consultations to medical education researchers across Canada? Please reach out if you would like to book a consult! 
Our Goal is to advance the capacity for sensitive and responsive data-sharing in medical education research.
Our work is supported in part by funding from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. The Digital Research Alliance of Canada plays a critical role in advancing the Government of Canada's National DRI Strategy. It coordinates and funds activities related to and including Advanced Research Computing, Research Data Management, and Research Software. 
The development of the Pan-Canadian Consensus Statement was supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Contact Us
Twitter: @DataConnectCa

1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L8
